Breaking expectations in style
At the niu Hide, nostalgia for the East and modern designs are a tag team. The impressive design at the niu Hide shows off its motley GDR wallpapers and retro accessories. The nostalgia is broken by the straight designs of the rooms, the Scandinavian interiors and modern equipment. Breaking with expectations is a calculation and creates a fun, relaxed atmosphere. Another anchor of good cheer is found in the art provided by “Gigi & Amando”. At the niu Hide the two have kicked up quite the fuss with their comic street art, thus marking their territory in glowing colors.
As long as it is loud!
German street art combo “Gigi & Amando” truly are performance artists. With their spray paints and working their dj mixer. Their trademark: always made-up, always dressed flamboyantly, and always just that little bit of crazy. Their artistic keystone was laid in rap typography and by now they are the resident artists at the Millerntor Gallery. The artistic duo has known each other since highschool, and they are connected in deep friendship as much as in explosive creativity. No brush or paint can has been able to drive them apart. Their loudly screaming wall graffiti at the niu Hid have captured a colorful Berlin, amusing and fascinating all at once. We tip our hats!
More on “Gigi & Amando” at: