At home in Kiel
Finja is the North. All the way. The blogger, who is known under the name „Förde Fräulein“, loves her home and heritage.
“Goldfisch Schilkseer Fischbrötchen” – what a name! Once you have that memorized (and you should), you will never forget it again. All the better for it. It is the best, the ultimate fish stall and you need to try it. Right there at the harbor, the legendary fish stall is easily found. If we told you it even had its own media coverage, you would call us out, but we would be right … truly. The show “Verstecke Kamera” (Candid Camera) has used the stall in a prank. Just take a look at the show from May 9th, 2020 at the ARD media library. It’s worth it.
All joking aside: “Goldfisch Schilkseer Fischbrötchen” makes really, really tasty fish sandwiches. This recommendation is from Antje, by the way, our the niu Welly director. She is a long-time fan of the stall and can be seen visiting the harbor regularly for a sandwich. “I am a Northerner, a child of the coast, and that means I will always associate Kiel with the sea and the harbor“, Antje tells us.
This fish stall is renowned. It is supposed to be the best in all of Northern Germany, some say. Others have bigger fish to fry and say it might be the world’s. And there is even talk about „smuggling“ the goods out to other parts of Germany, as you can read on the stall’s Facebook-page. Whatever the case, just get on over there and try it for yourself.
Address: Goldfisch Schilkseer Fischbrötchen, Soling 50, 24159 Kiel