Dance the night away
This is where the DJ stars are at home: Nowhere in Stuttgart is the line-up in terms of techno so good.
This is where the strudel lives. Not just any strudel - in the POUSHE Strudelhaus you will find traditional Bulgarian recipes in a modern, reduced-sugar and vegetarian or vegan interpretation. We forgot DELICIOUS. It doesn't get any more delicious! Trust us! The POUSHE is one of those places that you never come out of. A culinary vortex of time, a land of milk and honey - in the middle of Stuttgart-Vaihingen.
Don't eat cake, eat a POUSHE!
Mama Ivanka and the sisters Violetta, Vassilena and Vania bake with love and finesse. A family company with conviction. Hermann Hesse is quoted here. He summed up family life in his story “Die Morgenlandfahrt”: “... the specialty was that the federal government was aiming for very specific, very high goals with this trip, but that every single participant could also have his own private travel destination, yes had to have. "
POUSHE, according to the family, was founded primarily to learn and promote the individual talents of all family members. The best part, says Ivanka, is that a great many young people have been inspired to understand and live these values.
Off to Vaihingen with you, to the POUSHE strudels with various fillings and toppings. To the world's best vanilla crescents, the homemade chocolate truffles, the barista quality coffee (with roasted beans from Van Dyck Cologne) and the inimitable atmosphere that only a real family can exude.
By the way: The house specialty - the cardamom latte - was specially developed for POUSHE. To die for ...
Honestly now, this shop is enough as a reason for a trip to Stuttgart. Yes so good! A must for Stuttgart!
Extratipp: Ein kurzer und unweiter Abstecher in die Vaihinger Fußgängerzone wird sich ebenfalls lohnen.
Opening hours:
Tue to Sat 10am - 6pm // Sun 11am - 4pm
Rathausplatz 5
70563 Stuttgart
Tel. 0049 711 78244624